🏃‍♂️💨 Just frking start!!

Feb 08, 2024

Quote of the Day:

“We defend our self-destructive habits with indefensible logic. We ignore useful feedback, fail to continuously educate ourselves and learn new skills, waste time on the trivial aspects of our lives, engage in idle gossip, eat unhealthy food, fail to exercise, spend more money than we make, fail to invest in our future, avoid necessary conflict, fail to tell the uncomfortable truth, don’t ask for what we want—and then wonder why our lives don’t work.”

Jack Canfield, The Success Principles™

We’ve all had to start somewhere…

How it started (2014). Seriously, check out that posture. This was taken during the first week when my partner instructor and I had just taken over a center filled with just over 500 subjects. I believe it was a quarter after midnight when this was taken, and we had started the day at around 9 or 10am.

How it’s going (2023). Woo! Check out that glow up. I’d say the biggest difference here is the fact that I’m not spending a ridiculous number of hours per week at my center, and I’m actually focused on working ON the business not IN the business.

Our daily habits and routines form our mindset, attitude, personality, character and levels of contribution. The most important thing we can do is to train ourselves on how to choose ascension over aversion, especially when it comes to tasks that either:

a) Suck the energy out of us, because it's unfulfilling or time consuming like time tracking, or documenting processes.


b) They can be difficult and uncomfortable to do like having a tough conversation with a staff member, or responding to a parent complaint.

So how do you get past the challenge of actually taking on these tasks with higher levels of joy and necessity? How do you do it consistently without falling victim to the distractions that fall into your lap on a daily basis?

How do you choose to make the decision that is going to move you closer to where you want to go?


If you’re like me and you find it difficult to get started on specific tasks, or you put them off for whatever reason, try the 5-minute method:

The 5-Minute Method

  • If you have trouble getting started on anything, set a timer for five minutes and just commit to doing that task for five minutes ONLY.Example: I’m not a fan of folding the laundry so to get started I’ll set a timer for five minutes and just start doing it. Psychologically it makes me want to finish folding the rest of the laundry even after the timer rings.
  • I will sometimes use this method for my students sometimes who aren’t really in the mood to complete their worksheets. Once the timer rings I get them to wrap things up and tell them to go home but they’re all like “NOOooo lemme finish this page”… ah, the power of momentum.

🔥Ignite Action:

Determine three tasks that you know you should've started yesterday. Use the 5-Minute method and see if you can celebrate a small win by just getting things started.


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